September 25, 2008

_ couple look

They look cute couple. i'm so jealous. just kidding. haha~ anyways i really love them more than anyone and anything. i really love you guys. xoxo.

September 16, 2008

_ my daughter

my daughter turned 1 year old now. so we just took a picture for her. it was really joyful job, but she feel really tired and we changed her clothes to korean custume 'hanbok', then she cried. so cute. it was fun though.

September 10, 2008

_ Colorful

i just found this great self-promotional calendar design by Jonathan Davies. I love a tasteful gradient. so bright and cheerful.

September 5, 2008

_ My girl's B-day

my daughter just turned 1year old now. i feel that i'm done so well so far. so far so good~ thanks, my girl. i really love you. you are my sunshine and given gift from God. love you.

September 2, 2008

_ amazing shot

do I really have to tell you to go and look at the new stuff from J. Crew? oh my. this is really gorgeous shot. This time they’re in Prague…. it's really amazing. wow.